Renowned as one of Africa’s greatest wildlife sanctuaries, Kruger National Park stands out due to its sheer size. Extending over a mammoth 19,000 square kilometers, Kruger easily dwarfs many other national parks worldwide. Kruger’s size is rivalled only by...
Physical description of Jungle Cats As one of the larger Felis species, the jungle cat can be up to 120 cm long and 40 cm tall. There is a difference in sizes across the range. In areas with fewer predators, jungle cats tend to be larger than those found in areas such...
Physical description of Leopards One of the most distinctive cats, the leopard has a rosette pattern on its fur. Generally, creamy yellow in color, with black spots and a striped tail, the leopard is extremely well camouflaged. The different subspecies do have subtly...
Physical description of Rusty-spotted Cats Guess what? The rusty-spotted cat isn’t rusty colored. It is more of a grey (and in some areas, yes it is more reddish brown), but it is spotted, and it is these spots that are generally a rusty brown color. So it isn’t a...
Physical description of Caracals Depending on the individual, a caracal has rusty red or golden brown fur with a white belly. Eyes are marked out in black, as are the whisker areas and the edges of the nose. The caracal has tufted ears, similar to a lynx’s, but...